Type: Religion/Cult
Base of Operations: The Farm, Gorgon's Cross
Status: Unknown, Possibly Defunct
High Gardener: Ukko-Ukka
Also Known As: Invictus Sol, The Dawn of the Unconquered Sun
- Little-known church.
- A polytheistic star-worshipping religion.
- Centered around the core belief that all energy in the universe comes from stars.
- Believes sun god worship is the oldest human religion and therefore the ideology that most ties humanity to its roots.
- Practice solar astrology, sunbathing meditation, extensive training in agriculture and hydroponics and the giving of seeds to the poor.
- Anyone can become a member of Invictus Sol by accepting a bindi, burned into their skull, called a “Sun Spot,” and then growing and maintaining a small garden in their home (on board a ship or otherwise).
- Had an armed standoff at The Farm with Tempest Company after Caliban siezed control of Gorgon's Cross.